Trophy er vörulína úr gömlum verðlaunagripum. Vörulínan samanstendur af tilbúnum ljósum, lömpum, borðum, hillum og skúlptúrum. Við sérsmíðum jafnframt eftir pöntun úr bikurum einstaklinga.
Trophy is a product line from discarded Trophies. The product line consists of pendant lights, lamps, tables, shelves and sculptures. We also do commissions from private Trophy collections.
Design Flétta
Year 2019
Photography Elfur Hildisif Hermannsdóttir, Saga Sigurðardóttir & Flétta
2019 Project Grant, The Icelandic Design Fund
2022 Samsýning Flæði, RuslFest, Reykjavík
2020 Virtual Design Destination: New Reality by Adorno, London Design Festival
2020 More or less, DesignMarch, Reykjavík
2019 Trophy, Gryfjan Ásmundarsal, DesignMarch, Reykjavík
2020 Product line of the year, The Reykjavík Grapevine Design Awards