Pítsustund með Fléttu og Ýrúrarí

Pizza Time with Flétta and Ýrúrarí

Pizza from recycled wool

Pítsustund með Fléttu og Ýrúrarí var fimm daga gjörningur á HönnunarMars 2023 þar sem hönnuðirnir þæfðu ullarpítsur úr ullarafgöngum frá íslenskum ullariðnaði.

Flétta and Ýrúrarí opened a pizza place during DesignMarch 2023 where guests could order freshly felted wool pizzas made of leftovers from the Icelandic wool industry.

Design Flétta & Ýrúrarí
Year 2023
Location Gallery Port
Video Studio-Fræ
Photography Sunna Ben, Aldís Pálsdóttir, Viktor Richardsson
Graphics OT.Melsted
Intern Lucile Barbier
Special thanks The TextileLab in Blönduós, Iceland

2023 Icelandic Artists’ Salary Fund
2022 Project grant, The Icelandic Visual Art Copyright Association

Flétta and Ýrúrarí opened a pizza place during DesignMarch 2023 where guests could order freshly felted wool pizzas made of leftovers from the Icelandic wool industry. The scene of the performance was built around an electrical felting machine that plays the role of a pizza oven while the designers worked as pizza makers. The setup was placed in surroundings where the materials and process is clearly visible. Guests were able to participate by ordering a pizza from the menu, or select toppings to customize the order to their own taste and bring home a one of a kind wool pizza.

Pítsustund með Fléttu og Ýrúrarí var fimm daga gjörningur á HönnunarMars 2023 þar sem hönnuðirnir þæfðu ullarpítsur úr ullarafgöngum frá íslenskum ullariðnaði. Sviðsmynd viðburðarins byggðist í kringum nálaþæfingarvél sem sett var í hlutverk pítsuofns en hönnuðurnir brugðu sér í hlutverk bakara og afgreiðslufólks. Hægt var að panta 12” ullarpítsur af matseðli eða velja úr ýmsum áleggstegundum.



